Secondary 3

Video games Debate

Are video games a positive or negative influence on society?

What do you think of video games? We asked two people for their opinions.

Morgan Brayston: Against video games

I’m against video games. While people are playing a video game, they’re wasting time – time that could be spent doing exercise, socialising with friends, reading a book or learning something. Also, people who spend a lot of time sitting down playing games don't get any exercise and may become overweight. Worst of all, many video games are violent, with bombs, shooting and killing.

Of course, not all video games are bad, but most of them are not good.

I think people should be outside playing, using their imagination, reading, socialising and learning – not playing games that involve shooting and killing.

Amelia Stanhurst: In favour of video games

I think video games are great. For a start, you can play online games and meet lots of people from around the world. Also, they’re fun for parties. I often play Wii Party with my friends when they come round. Video games can also teach you things, and make you good at taking decisions. For example, in one experiment, scientists at the University of Rochester tested several 18- to 25-year-olds.

They divided them into two groups. The first group played action games such as Call of Duty 2. The second group played The Sims 2, a strategy-based game. After 50 hours of playing, both groups were given some tests. Those who played Call of Duty 2 were quicker than the other group. Video games can also help with hand-eye coordination. In another study, surgeons who played Nintendo Wii before going into an operating theatre did better than those who didn’t. Let’s stop being so negative about video games!